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There is a proven direct link between attendance at school and attainment. The vast majority of pupils with high levels of attendance achieve better than those with poor attendance. Every day in school increases a student's attendance by 0.5%. This means that an overall attendance of 95% is equivalent to 10 days lost - that's 50 lessons!


Attendance at Islwyn High

Islwyn High is committed to providing a full and efficient education to all pupils and embraces the concept of equal opportunities for all.

All children and young people have the fundamental right to a free, high quality education which takes account of their talents, wishes, and aspirations. Education develops the potential of each individual, and prepares them to take their place in society and to play an active role in adult life.

At Islwyn High School, we consider regular attendance to be the first pre-requisite of this entitlement. If pupils are not in school, they cannot benefit from the educational opportunities that the school offers.

We will consistently work towards a goal of 100% attendance for all pupils. We aim to promote and encourage good habits of punctuality and attendance in all our pupils. The school will work collaboratively with parents, pupils and the LA to secure this.


Application for Leave of Absence during Term Time

Arranging appointments and outings after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to your child's education and to the school.

Since 2014 the council has had the authority to issue fixed penalty notice and fines for parents whose children have more than five days of unauthorised absence. The notice can be issued for any absences not authorised by the school. As a parent you are legally responsible for making sure that your child attends school. If your child fails to attend school without an acceptable reason you risk getting a Fixed Penalty Notice or being prosecuted.

Click here to download the form to request for Leave of Absence for your child during term time.


Attendance Rewards

Termly Competition

Those with over 95% attendance are entered into a £50 prize draw.


Half-Termly Competition

The form from each year with the highest attendance.


Class Charts Rewards

Whole week attendance benefits from ClassCharts reward points. These points can be accumulated and then spent on items from the shop.

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