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Key Stage 3

In Year 7, during the first half of the Autumn Term, students take Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs). The results of these, together with Key Stage 2 levels and National Reading and Numeracy Tests, help us to place your child in set classes appropriate for their ability. These set changes take place at the start of the second half of the Autumn Term.

In each of Years 7, 8 and 9, during the first half of the Summer term, pupils will take National Reading and Numeracy Tests. Please click here for the latest information on these tests.

Students will also sit internal tests and examinations in nearly all their subjects at regular intervals throughout the three years. These results will help to inform teachers and heads of year of current progress and any set or global grade changes that may need to take place.


Key Stage 4

Throughout Years 10 and 11, students are either preparing for external examinations or working on controlled assessments. External written examinations take place in November, January and May/June.

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