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School Diary


1st September - INSET Day





26th October - Year 7 Parents' Evening 


7th December - Year 10 Parents' Evening

8th December - INSET Day

13th December - Christmas Concert

20th December - SSRB Christmas Concert

22nd December - INSET Day

January 25th - Year 11 Parents' Evening

8th February - Year 8 Parents' Evening

11th - 15th March  - Ski Trip

21st March  - Year 9 Parents' Evening

22nd March  - Inset Day

11th April  - Year 6 Transition Parents' Evening

25th April  - Year 7 Parents' Evening

6th May - May Bank Holiday

9th May - Start of GCSE Exams

19th June - GCSE Exams Ends

25th June - Year 11 Prom


18th July - INSET Day

19th July - INSET Day

August - 

Belong... Believe... Achieve...