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Class Charts

We have been using Class Charts at Islwyn high School since January 2018 and we’d like to outline what it is and how to get started.

Class Charts is an online system which teachers use to track achievement and behaviour throughout the school day. We believe in working closely with parents and one of the key benefits of using Class Charts is that we are able to securely share your child's achievement and behaviour report with you and so keep you up to date in real-time.

Each child has a unique access code. The access code will be emailed to you shortly. Use this code and create an account by visiting here:


Links to mobile phone apps are also available to parents from this page. If you have more than one child in the school then you can enter additional codes once you have created an account and are logged in.

If you have any queries regarding a sanction/reward that has been issued by a member of staff, and your child is unable to give you an explanation, please ask them to speak to their form tutor who can obtain the information for them. The school is not able to take individual queries  regarding  this matter. The teacher who issued the sanction will have spoken to the pupil/pupils directly, so each pupil will know the reason why the sanction was awarded.

The attendance data is pulled through from our registration system as an overnight sequence, therefore the data will only ever be up to data as of yesterday.

I hope you find the application useful and helps you to keep in touch with what is going on at school for your child. Communication with home is vitally important to us.

If we can help with any other aspects of this innovative new system, please do not hesitate to contact the officer who oversees its function, Mrs S Critchley. She will be happy to answer any query you may have.


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