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Parents' Forum




About the Parents’ Forum

The Parents’ forum at Islwyn High School was established in January 2019 with overwhelming support from the Headteacher, the Chair of Governors and the Governing Body. Its aim is to improve communication and participation of parents in their children’s education and to provide essential feedback that can be used appropriately to enhance the school.  The forum promotes collaboration and the development of a true partnership approach. The forum will aim to meet each term.

Although in its infancy, the feedback from the events has been very positive. It gives you as a parent the opportunity to discuss with the Parent Governors what you like about the school and also things that may be concerning you. The school has committed to and is open to, constructive feedback, this includes signing up to the principle of “you said we did”.


The forum is facilitated mainly by Parent Governors who represent your interests at the Schools Governing Body. If you would like to learn more about the forum, or have something to offer you can contact the lead Parents’ Forum Governor by emailing Gavin Bryce on

You as Parents’ have already shaped the forum, this is what you have told us:




Next meeting date to be confirmed.








Upcoming Events



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