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Year Groups


Each year group is looked after by the Head of Year (or Progress Manager) and Deputy Head of Year (or Deputy Progress Manager). In each year group there are eight registration classes (or form groups). Each registration class has its own form tutor.

Every day there is a registration period between 8.30am and 8.55am. Once a week there is an assembly for the whole year group. Year 11 on Monday through to Year 7 on Friday.

On the four days when there is no assembly, time is spent with the form teacher where regular uniform, equipment and planner checks take place. Each week there is a theme and each day there is a ‘thought for the day’. Both of these will be discussed time will be set aside for reflection of these. In addition, other activities including those linked to literacy, numeracy and other skills take place. At key stage four, some targeted pupils may be also be involved in extra revision sessions.

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